New Film by Edmonton Film Maker Shows How Technology Supports Children with Significant Movement Challenges

Dr. Clare Gibson, of Allegorical Alchemy, today announces the release of a new film created in partnership with Beakerhead, BCI4Kids (University of Calgary) and Possibility Neurotechnologies. The film,Telekinetic Tapestries at Beakerhead” explores the use of a Brain Computer Interface device, the Think2SwitchTM, which allows users to control switch-adapted devices with their thoughts. This technology is revolutionary for inclusivity and independence in play for children with neurological conditions which affect movement. The touching and hopeful film explores the value of this from one family’s perspective, as well as demonstrating the technology in action.

Clare, a previous supporter of Beakerhead, once again volunteered her skills for the 10th anniversary edition and selected Dr. Dion Kelly (BCI4Kids and Possibility Neurotechnologies) “Telekinetic Tapestries” exhibit at Beakerhead to focus on. Clare was excited by not only the innovative technology involved, but the real-world applicability allowing children with significant movement challenges to participate in creating art. At the festival, the Brain Computer Interface was being used to create a collaborative art piece.

“Allegorical Alchemy strives to make films for real-world impact and therefore showcasing technology which has the ability to profoundly change lives was a perfect fit. I was delighted to work with Stephanie and Claire who are featured in the film,” says Clare. “The merger of art, science and technology and putting the art in STEM are what Beakerhead is all about. This was the perfect project to showcase that!”

Clare and Dion worked collaboratively to define the key messages for the film, Clare was then responsible for filming, editing and story creation. As shared by Dion, “I LOVE it! It turned out so wonderfully!! Great job Clare… We are so excited to share this video with our network!... Thank you for choosing to highlight our work and congratulations on a fantastic film!”


Press Release for Telekinetic Tapestries